Included in the module:
- The neuron and the activation function. The simplest neural network
- Neural network training (epochs, mini-batch gradient descent, loss function, cross-entropy loss)
- Batchnorm, dropout, weight regularization and early stopping
- Backpropagation
- Transfer learning
- Learning rate, adaptive LR
- Softmax
- MLP: perceptrons, device
- Data processing: augmentation
- Data processing: normalization of batches
- Architecture, principle of operation of convolution
- Layer types
- Filter hyperparameters.
This module introduces you to data analysis using Python: learning basic data analysis techniques, working with libraries for data processing, visualization, and analysis, such as Pandas,
NumPy, and Matplotlib.
Explore deep learning and neural networks: understanding the basic principles and concepts of deep learning, exploring different types of neural networks and their application to machine
learning tasks.
Understand how to deploy and monitor deep learning models: learn how to deploy and monitor deep learning models, including acquiring and preprocessing data, tuning and optimizing models,
deploying them on production environments, and monitoring their performance.
Create a simple neural network: a hands-on exploration of the basic steps of creating and training simple neural networks, including setting up the network architecture, defining the loss
function and optimizer, processing input data, training and evaluating the model.
Implement deep learning models for image classification: exploring different methods and approaches to image classification using deep learning, including the use of convolutional neural
networks, pre-trained models and transfer learning.
- Using Python to analyze data. Introduction to Deep Learning and Neural Networks
- Deep learning using TensorFlow and Keras. Advanced topics in deep learning
- Advanced topics in deep learning. Deploying and monitoring deep learning models.
- Creating and training a simple neural network
- Realization of deep learning models for image classification
- Implementation of GANs and transformer-based models.